Success StoryVirtual 4-H Project Days
Virtual 4-H Project Days
Author: Paula McCuiston
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Improve leadership skills, strengthen volunteerism, & promote community and economic development.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Virtual 4-H Project Days
On March 16, 2020 the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service began a quick transition to remote working conditions due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Although programming with youth became difficult, the Hickman County 4-H Agent and the 21st CCLC Grant Program Coordinator partnered and developed a way to reach and involve youth in the county in a week full of 4-H projects.
“Project Days in a Box” seemed to be a simpler way to involve youth virtually while still being able to deliver most all materials necessary to complete each project. These activities took place over a full week in July 2020.
There were five total projects:
STEM – Lego kits were purchased. Youth had to create their own design using legos provided.
Birdseed ornaments- materials for ornaments were provided
Cooking – Youth were provided the 4-H Granola recipe from the “Cooking 101” curriculum and pre-packaged dry ingredients.
Photography – Youth were provided instructions from the 4-H Photography curriculum and then were able to use their phones to capture images.
Upcycling – Various materials were provided such as paper, glue, markers, large empty galvanized cans, and other random art materials.
I, the grant coordinator, and a few other volunteers each set out to purchase supplies and materials, package those accordingly in boxes and made deliveries. What made this week unique was that all materials were delivered on the first day for the whole week. Students were then given a zoom link to log on each day and do the assigned activity from home with the leaders. There were challenges and prizes delivered at the end of the week.
Within each box, we included the materials, all project instructions, a parent packet which includes an activity sheet list, parent survey, and evaluation.
A total of 18 boxes were packaged and delivered.
A total of 17 (94%) of the 18 youth who signed up to receive a box completed the evaluation.
Of the 17 who responded:
100% said they learned a new tip or skills
100% said they learned more about birds and feeders
100% said they were more excited about photography after learning new techniques
100% said they feel more comfortable cooking simple snacks in the kitchen
100% said they gained more knowledge about 4-H projects in general
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