Success StoryUnderstanding At My Pace
Understanding At My Pace
Author: Kendal Bowman
Planning Unit: Owen County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Enhancing Sustainable Livestock and Forage Production
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
As this world has revolved this past year so has the methods we present and digest information. Traditionally Extension has taught in person field days. At these field days clients would all gather around the presenter and try to listen and retain what they were saying. For many producers this was a time for them to catch up with other producers. The social aspect has its perks, butt many times the ones that came to learn couldn’t see or hear from over the “spectators”. As the world has transitioned to digital so has our methods of presenting information to our producers. This past year the Owen County Extension Office worked on posting educational videos in a central location and had a short quiz attached to them, so the producers knew if they retained the takeaway points from the videos. This was a rough transition at first, but we have seen a lot of success out of it. Producers have been able to watch and take notes at there own pace, with minimum distractions. We had a producer reach out months after watching a video and ask how to synchronize his cattle to calve at the same time. I was able to put him in contact with experts to figure out the best protocol for his situation. If he follows through with what he learned he should be able to increase his profits and maximize his herd management skills
Stories by Kendal Bowman
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Stories by Owen County CES

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Day Camp in a Bag
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Stories by Beef

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Artificial Insemination School - Spring 2021
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