Success StoryWebinar Series Helps Beef Cattle Producers in Muhlenberg County Meet Two Objectives
Webinar Series Helps Beef Cattle Producers in Muhlenberg County Meet Two Objectives
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Planning for the Family and Farm
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Production agriculture and those that support it did not stop because of the Covid pandemic throughout 2020 and early 2021.The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment Extension Beef Group developed a webinar series titled Reaching Out While Locked In or (ROWLI). Extension Specialists hosted hour long programs oftentimes every Tuesday evening regarding beef cattle production and management from early spring 2020 through early summer 2020 via Zoom. Although internet and cellular service is limited in some parts of Muhlenberg County, several producers who have internet and cellular access where able to join the webinar series. Producers gained and or improved their knowledge on a host of topics from preparing for the breeding season, renovating pasture fields after grazing during winter months, and related topics. One producer contacted this agent after the preparing for the breeding season program and inquired about using CIDRs to help with breeding and ultimately "tighten" up his calving season. He commented " I have not used the CIDR devices before" I explained to him how to use them and how to utilize a protocol for natural service. I also provided him with a link to a video developed by Dr. Les Anderson, UK Beef Reproductive Physiologist. The producer informed me later that he was successful in his efforts in utilizing the system and based on observations, he believed that he only had one cow that was open. Beef Cattle producers also utilized the webinar series to meet the educational requirements for the County Agricultural Investment Program(CAIP).Although this agent had conducted several educational programs that met the CAIP participation requirement prior to the onset of the pandemic, twelve producers utilized the webinar series to meet the requirement. One producer commented " I know we only had to watch one program to meet the CAIP requirement, but I watched several of them and l learned a lot." .The Extension Beef Group will start a new webinar series in early February 2021 and this agent has been promoting the new series to county clientele.
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