Success Story4-H Grab-N-Go Bags
4-H Grab-N-Go Bags
Author: Katie Mills
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Improving Basic Lifeskills, Well-being, and Quality of Life
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
As Covid-19 continues, we are incorporating new ideas for youth to participate in 4-H and have a healthy outlet while staying healthy-at-home. Through the lessons, Hopkins County residence have had the opportunity to pick up Grab-N-Go bags that have educational kits for the youth to put together. Some involve working as a family, creativity, self-engagement, or hand-eye coordination. Examples of the projects are sock gnomes, pumpkin pie in a bag, building and decorating a snowman/scarecrow, and solar ovens. Hopkins County 4-H was able to distribute around 275 Grab-N-Go bags to the community, with many being gone within an hour and setting them out. While this program was taking place, we were able to reach a variety of audiences from throughout the county.
The Grab-N-Go bag program brought in new individuals to the program and were able to share the great experiences 4-H has to offer. Many were waiting on bags to be set out because we schedule a time and day for people to pick them up. This helped families to remember when to come to the Extension Office to collect their goodies.
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