Success StoryFace Covering Donation Drive
Face Covering Donation Drive
Author: Shonda Johnston
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Promote Health and Wellness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As the COVID-19 pandemic crept into the summer of 2020, there began to be a concern for the students in Clark County returning to school in the fall and possibly not being prepared with face coverings. The Clark Family & Consumer Sciences Agent is a part of the Community Wrap-Around Task force where this need was discussed by the Clark County Public Schools. After collaborating with the Family Resource/Youth Service Center coordinators, it was determined if we could get donated face coverings, they could be distributed at the annual back to school Readifest event that occurred in August 2020 that serves over 1000 Clark County students.
In response to this need, the FCS agent coordinated a face covering donation drive. The agent put together cloth face covering grab bags with all the materials and pattern needed to make two face coverings along with educational materials on how to wear and care for those face coverings. Ninety bags were picked up by the general public with the request that the person picking up the bag would make one for themselves and then donate the other. Additionally, a request was made asking for donations of youth sized cloth face coverings. As a result, 28 community members responded to the donation request and materials, patterns, and education about the wear and care of face coverings was provided to those volunteering. These volunteers ranged in age from 25 to 82 and included Clark County Homemakers. A donation bin was set up outside the Extension Office for volunteers and others to donate the face coverings without in-person contact.
Readifest occurred on August 28, 2020. By that date, the Extension office had collected over 1600 youth and adult size face coverings. At Readifest event, the agent and other community partners provided these face coverings to 1000 K-12 Clark County students who were in need of a face covering to wear at school. The remaining 600 donated masks were placed in plastic bins and set up at easily accessible places. The FCS agent collaborated with two local fire stations, the local food bank, the health department, and all the school meal sites to place plastic bins full of the remaining 600 face coverings and allow for the general public to pick up and use. All of these face coverings were picked up over the next few weeks.
The face covering donation drive provided 1000 Clark County students access to face coverings, ensuring they had the means to follow CDC guidelines for safe interactions in school and other public places. As a result of the generous donations of the volunteers, 600 more face coverings were provided to community members in need, removing a possible barrier to keeping Clark County following CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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