Success Story4-H Camp at Home
4-H Camp at Home
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Nutrition and Physical Activity
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Camp is an important and big program in Henderson County and the 4-H program wanted to offer that camp experience at home to share with their family. All campers were provided with a healthy fruit slushy recipe, a nature scavenger hunt, a few science activities, and physical activities to accomplish by themselves or with family members. On top of the general activities, campers chose two classes that related to typical camp activities ranging from low ropes leadership type activities, making their own lip balm to sugar scrub, photography, mad scientist, outdoor cooking, and recreation. Henderson County 4-H Camp at home attracted some of our regular campers but also Henderson County youth that had never attended 4-H Camp. Of the 97 participants, 61 participants said they had never been to 4-H camp before with Henderson County. To keep track with camp activities we created a private Facebook group to share campers accomplishments. We had 57 members join the group and had a lot of activity of youth and families bonding over the camp activities. One parent said "All the hard work from the 4H office was a wonderful change to our current lifestyle. I can’t thank you all enough for the work you put into making this camp at home possible." Another mom said this, "Thank you Henderson 4H for doing this! It has been fun watching the girls work together." And another parents said, "Checking out all the fun activities! Thanks for creating the at home version and all the hard work it took to get things ready!" By doing 4-H Camp at Home we were able to keep youth engaged in 4-H, get them outside moving and trying new things, get families outside doing something together, and get kids typically not involved in 4-H to participate.
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