Success Story4-H Environmental Day Camp
4-H Environmental Day Camp
Author: Staci Thrasher
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Community Leaders
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky’s natural resources plan an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. The 4th grade classrooms at Flemingsburg Elementary and Hillsboro Elementary schools took advantage of the opportunity to visit North Central 4-H Camp for a one day Environmental Camp in the fall of 2017. Students attending in the 4-H Environmental Day Camp attended sessions revolving around natural resources and wildlife in Kentucky. Classes included bird adaptations, pond study, nature hike, bug zoo and energy sleuths. These classes provided a well-rounded educational experience in a fun outdoor environment. 82% of the youth participating reported that after attending the pond study class, they felt confident in identifying clean water indicators in local water sources. 100% of youth attending stated that can clearly identify bird adaptations such as beaks, feathers, bones and feet. 75% of the youth attended indicated that they are more comfortable identifying and explaining Kentucky’s energy resources. 70% of the youth that attended Environmental camp have expressed interest in attending 4-H Summer Camp.
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