Success StoryOutdoor Cooking and Survival In-Service
Outdoor Cooking and Survival In-Service
Author: Patrick Allen
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Basic Life Skills for Youth and Adults in Scott County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
There has been an increasing interest in programs that get youth in the outdoors. For about four years now I have been learning more about and implementing more outdoor cooking programs in my county and at state level events. They have been well attended and seem to be making an impression with other county agents, as I am asked to teach Agents haw to lead these types of lessons more. I was approached by the camping program director about leading two outdoor cooking in-services at two of the four camps. I felt that it would be a great opportunity to have Agents who are interested in facilitating these lessons in their count to hear the information and try out the lessons in a great location. I asked to add lessons involving survival because it too is increasing in popularity with 4-Her’s. The survival content is something that I also have a personal interest in and have been developing new ways to share the information with youth. I have attended adult classes for survival and feel that the information is a great way to bring the outdoors and youth closer together. Both types of contest focused lessons will hopefully give youth the opportunity to build on not only physical skills but bring forth a creative and problem-solving mindset. Some of this idea was brought on by hearing the story of two young 4-H members that used skills learned through their 4-H adventure club to survive after finding themselves lost in the woods for several days. It brings home the importance of why we do what we do, and how important it is to implement programs that increase confidence, skill set, and ability to problem-solve. This In-service was well attended for the two different days. I received great feedback on the delivery of the content and felt that agents were prepared to use the information to facilitate outdoor cooking/ survival lessons in their county. I am excited to see youth and adults spend more time in the outdoors learning these skills. I am a firm believer that if youth can find value in the outdoors, they will be more apt to want to save or protect nature more as the get older. As a result of my first In-Service I was approached by the Nutrition Education Program about making the outdoor cooking component fit into their program requirements. Working with Martha Yount the Nutrition Education Specialist and Jen Robertson Area Extension Agent for Nutrition Education to develop publication on various methods of cooking in the outdoors. This information will provide yet another avenue for agents to reach a larger audience with this content.
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