Author: Lorilee Kunze
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Develop Individuals for Volunteer Roles and Leadership Positions
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In March of 2020 the Novel Corona Virus changed the way the Bullitt County Extension Horticulture Program must approach community interaction and programming. In our continued effort to reach our community and continue the develop of homeowner/Master Gardener relationships, we introduced the Ask a Local Gardener Program. In this program certified Master Gardeners and the Horticulture Agents come together with community members, online, to answer any garden or landscape related questions. Meeting every two weeks, via Zoom, experts are available to offer advice and experience to novice gardeners. These sessions cover many, seasonally relevant topics, in real time. Meeting every two weeks offers a consistent and reliable timetable that participants can depend on and look forward to. Ask A Local Gardener also allows Master Gardener certified volunteers to interact with the public from the safety of their own homes, increase awareness of, and reinforcing the reputation of the Extension Service and allows the development of volunteer leadership skills and confidence building. For many participants this was an introduction to the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service and what we offer, specifically the Horticulture and Master Gardener Programs. Through the program, we gained many new newsletter subscribers and at least one new applicant to the Master Gardener Program.
Describe the Issue or Situation.Fill in more detail later. Master Gardener Volunteers gain skills, c... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners,... Read More
In 2024, the poverty rate for Bullitt County was 10.6%, and although this poverty rate is lower than... Read More