Success StoryCounty Fair Agriculture Contests
County Fair Agriculture Contests
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Increasing Knowledge in Agriculture, Home and Community Environment
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Forage production accounts for a large portion of agriculture production in Crittenden County. According to the 2017 Agriculture Census almost 18,000 acres were in some type of forage production. Hay is an important part of livestock diets and the nutrition values can vary widely. Harvest height, weather conditions, forage type and other factors have an impact on hay quality. Hay nutritive values are determined by a hay quality test.
For the fourth year Crittenden County Extension and Crittenden County Lion’s Club Fair have partnered together to host a hay quality contest during the county fair. The producers have come to rely on the test results to balance feed rations and aid in selling their forage products. One producer has told the agent that the contest has shown him that no matter what he needs to have his hay tested every year. The tests have allowed him to match the nutrition needs of the cattle with the correct quality of hay, saving him money on supplemental feed costs.
For the second year there have been entries in the home garden produce division at the fair. Flower classes were added for the first time in 2020.The entries in the open division for 2020 increased by 83 percent over the amount of entries in 2019. Many participants were excited to showcase the fruits of their labor to the community.
The continued success of the hay testing and garden produce contest done with the county fair showcases a strong community partnership between Crittenden County Extension and the local Lion’s Club. Crittenden County hay producers are seeing the longer term benefits of the contest through increased hay sales and saving on supplemental feed costs.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment