Success Story4-H shifts programming during the pandemic leads to more family time
4-H shifts programming during the pandemic leads to more family time
Author: Renata Farmer
Planning Unit: Knox County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Promoting personal development of the adult and child
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
With the onset and spread of COVID-19 throughout Kentucky and our county, the Knox County 4-H program moved swiftly to deliver our message and reach our clientele in a new way. After conversations with the Knox County 4-H Council, it was imperative to continue to reach youth with positive research-based programming and to do it remotely while continuing to be hands-on. The Knox County 4-H program responded by offering virtual programming and also project kits that contained current information on COVID-19, hand washing, youth development and more. As of now the Knox County 4-H program has given more than 2500 project kits to youth of our community. Along with research-based information, each kit included a project related to Agriculture & Natural Resources, Health, FCS, STEM, Communication & Expressive Arts, or Leadership. To evaluate our delivery and kit objectives, we issued a survey after six weeks in our program. The results were outstanding!
Of youth and families that received 4-H project kits:
- 46% of youth had attended 4-H clubs, projects and programs within the past two years.
- 54% of youth were new to 4-H programming
- 90% of youth and families would like more information on attending 4-H clubs, projects and programs in person
- 72% of families reported spending more quality time together in completing projects
- 63% of families reported that they prepared more foods together
- 64% of families reported that their child spent less time on electronics due to receiving the kits
- 72% of families reported that receiving the project kits gave their child something to look forward to in this time of uncertainty
"These kits have been great! We have been able to do projects as a family while learning and spending time together. We are thankful for Knox County 4-H for continuing these great projects," stated one parent.
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