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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Success StoryState Specialists Such An Asset

State Specialists Such An Asset

Author: Joyce Doyle

Planning Unit: Carroll County CES

Major Program: Natural Resources

Plan of Work: Environmental Stewardship

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Upon top of Carroll County 4-H projects,(Crochet by zoom,  art by zoom, robotics by zoom, homeschool by zoom and some community service events)) many of Carroll County  members are taking advantage of the state specialists" offerings.   What  a great opportunity for our members.  Thank you so much.  I am going to spotlight one of those members.  

Brenna has attended all Winter Naturalist in Training Meetings with Ashley Osborne, learning everything from how to make homemade bird suet, to sampling water sources for aquatic insects. She has completed all Winter Naturalist in Training monthly challenges including making upcycled bird feeders and participating in Project FeederWatch.  Thanks to Kim Ledger, Brenna also submitted a picture for the calendar and her picture is featured as January in the  calendar.

Brenna is an officer (Speaker of the Kitchen) for the 8th grade members of the Bake-A-Long Club. Her officer duties include researching a baking fact each month to share with their group and recording minutes of small group meeting to report for everyone. She has attended every monthly bake and completed each monthly baking challenge. Homemade gingerbread, apple cages, and bread making from scratch are just a sampling of the recipes she is learning.  Thank you Cathy Weaver.

Brenna has also campaigned and currently holding the Historian position for the Middle School Leadership Club. Her duties include researching a leader from the past, present, or future and sharing her fellow club members. She has visited historical landmarks, learned about holidays in other cultures around the world, attended local government meetings, and discovering parliamentary procedure.   Thank you Rachel Noble.

These clubs have been the key to keeping an active learner engaged and thriving in this unprecedented time we are all living through. Thank you Kentucky 4-H state office for offering  such a dynamic resource to aid in involving and encouraging our children.  

Stories by Joyce Doyle

Cooking is Fun

Cooking is Fun

about 5 years ago by Joyce Doyle

The Recipes for Life program began when County Extension Homemakers identified the need to support t... Read More

Wood Science. What an educational experience!

Wood Science. What an educational experience!

about 5 years ago by Joyce Doyle

Thanks to a new volunteer, Carroll County 4-H has added a new club called wood science. Through this... Read More

Stories by Carroll County CES

Utilizing Tobacco Settlement Dollars to Build Youth Opportunities in Agriculture

Utilizing Tobacco Settlement Dollars to Build Youth Opportunities in Agriculture

about 5 years ago by Christin Herbst

According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, there are 50,908 acres of land in 308 farms in Carroll ... Read More

Cooking is Fun

Cooking is Fun

about 5 years ago by Joyce Doyle

The Recipes for Life program began when County Extension Homemakers identified the need to support t... Read More