Success StoryFood Insecurities
Food Insecurities
Author: Ted Johnson
Planning Unit: Lee County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Accessing and Utilizing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Over the past decade, people have taken more interest in preservation of foods and food insecurities. One way that the Lee County extension service has addressed this issue is with the country ham curing project.
Over the past two years the Lee County Extension agents have conducted a country ham program for 25 adults and over 250 youth have participated.
During the hands-on workshop, they distinguished between different types of salt and used the correct salt for curing, calculated the correct amount of cure based on the weight of the ham, correctly bagged the ham for hanging. The estimated value of the hams where around $3125.00.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment