Success StoryBroadening Social Media Audience with Community Engagement
Broadening Social Media Audience with Community Engagement
Author: Laura Maggard
Planning Unit: Lawrence County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Personal, Organizational, and Community Leadership Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Due to the pandemic, the Lawrence County Extension Office has been very active on social media. Each program area as one day per week that they post their program specific resources. On the Lawrence County Extension Facebook page, there are normally 7-8 posts per week and depending on whats going on there are more. When the pandemic first began in the spring, the facebook page was experiencing a boom in engagements, "likes", shares, and views. The community was really enjoying our virtual lessons and programs on the go. But, as students started in virtual school and employees starting working in the office rather than at home, the Extension facebook page "likes", comments, views, and etc. began to decline. Sports were starting back up as well as church and other extra curricular activities. People were becoming busy again.
The Lawrence County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources approached the Lawrence County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences about organizing the counties 1st annual Holiday Decorating Contest. It would give the community a fun activity to do over the Holiday season that would also serve as a way to get our social media numbers back up and to introduce new people to the facebook page. Once logistics were lined out and flyers were made, the Lawrence County Extension Office advertised in the local newspaper and on social media looking for homeowners and businesses to participate. Participants would decorate their homes and businesses for the holidays and send a picture to the Extension Office. Photos for the contest would be uploaded to the Extension Office facebook page and then the community would vote for their favorite decorations by "liking" the photo. Participants and the community shared on social media who they wanted others to vote for. It was a successful way for the community to engage in family fun during the holidays as well as increase the audience on the Extension Office page.
The day before the contest began, the Extension facebook page received 20 views. The day the contest began, the page received almost 800 views. That week in December the Lawrence County Extension page increased its page views by 297%. The facebook page also increased their page likes by 903%. The Lawrence County Extension Office is now able to reach a larger audience with programming and resources. The holiday decorating contest was a huge hit and will continue to grow in the years to come. The Lawrence County Extension Office looks forward to reaching new faces as well as familiar faces during virtual programs in 2021.
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