Success StoryDigging Into Culture
Digging Into Culture
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotions
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Kentucky 4-H has four guiding models which include: mastery, belonging, independence and generosity. Through these guiding concepts, the goal is for all youth to have available opportunities that foster positive youth development. According the U.S. Census Bureau, Clay County has a population of 19, 901 with a small percentage of racial and ethnic diversity. In order for youth to become knowledgeable and successful in the ever-changing global world, one must have the opportunity to experience different cultures. One way this can be completed is through traveling. However, not everyone has the time and finances to experience these opportunities, but other options are available through 4-H to provide this learning opportunity.
The Kentucky 4-H Exchange Program curriculum allows youth to do so by learning about different cultures through food, art, religion, history, etc. The 4-H Agent implemented a four-week program in the county to provide youth with opportunities, lessons, activities to build connections across different cultures and to gain knowledge on how to work cooperatively with others from various cultures.
Fifteen youth participated in the 4-H Cultural Exploration Program. Each week youth were provided with a bag of art supplies, ingredients for recipes, and other materials that focused on Japanese, Mexican, Brazilian and German cultures. Participants were encouraged to read about the basic history and customs of each culture and complete a recipe and cultural art project.
Evaluation Results:
100% reported feeling more knowledge about the four cultures
93% reported learning a new skill
86% reported feeling more confident when communicating with someone from a different culture
Stories by Alissa Ackerman
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Stories by Clay County CES
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment