Success StoryKeys to Embracing Aging
Keys to Embracing Aging
Author: Deborah Messenger
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Thriving Individuals, Strong Families
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Keys to Embracing Aging Grab and Learn Activity Success Story
Health and safety-related decisions that individuals and families make across the lifespan directly affect overall well-being and the ability to age well. Yet many individuals make choices which result in poor overall health and high chronic disease rates. Keys to Embracing Aging is a Cooperative Extension educational health intervention aimed at improving overall health by focusing on ways in which individuals and families can be empowered to take control of their own lifestyle decisions and behaviors in terms of health and well-being. This program is important because “strong, stable and resilient families are crucial to the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and society” (K-State Extension, n.d.).
Due to Covid-19, the FCS Program, Keys to Embracing Aging, was revised to a 12-week take home challenge. Each key was given to people as a handout complete with an extension publication to help people learn about the importance of the lifestyle behavior and a 7-day calendar with challenge activities aimed to reinforce the behavior. Seventeen people signed up to participate and received all twelve publications and challenge calendars. Six people participated in all 12 challenges and completed evaluations. Three people participate in 11 and completed evaluations. Eight people participated in 5 or less and completed evaluations. Evaluations were sent to each participant via qualtrics.
During the program, participants received information about the following topics:
- Positive Attitude
- Healthy Eating
- Physical Activity
- Social Connections
- Safety
- Stress Management
- Sleep
- Brain Health
- Financial Management
- Taking Time for Self
- Tuning in to the Times
- Know Your Health Numbers
Evaluations showed that an average of 100% reported improved understanding regarding the impact lifestyle choices have on overall health and well-being across the 12 lessons. Also, an average of 99.4% reported intentions to implement at least one strategy to improve their overall lifestyle.
To demonstrate behavior change, the program included a 30-day overall program follow-up evaluation. Over half of the participants responded and reported that they implemented at least one strategy to promote a healthier/safer lifestyle. The keys in which the most improvement was reported include: Healthy Eating- 88% and Physical Activity-63%
Since participating in the program, participants have:
- incorporated more physical activity into their lives and their family time
- implemented saving strategies based on needs vs wants
- set a routine for bedtime and waking up
- became more intentional in eating healthier and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
- strived to have a more positive attitude in their daily lives
In the follow-up evaluation, one participant shared that “this program came at a difficult but perfect time for me and it was much needed. During that time, I was diagnosed with MS and the program reminded me to keep a positive attitude and take time for myself (which I rarely did). Financially, I got some great advice, although we was hit hard and out of the blue with some medical bills, through the program I was reminded of some tips to help.
In Conclusion, Keys to Embracing Aging is an educational health program aimed at improving overall well-being by focusing on ways in which individuals and families can be empowered to take control of their own lifestyle decisions and behaviors.
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