Success StoryWalking Challenges
Walking Challenges
Author: Lora Howard
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotions
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Clay County Extension FCS Agent with three other organizations AdventHealth, Clay County Health Department, Diabetes Coalition and Red Bird Mission hosted and promoted three county wide walks for our residence. We wanted them to be physically active, safe at home, practice social distancing and take care of themselves.
We had a total of 75 people sign up for the three Walking Challenges, many walked outside. They sent in bi-weekly logs to the Extension Office. We had a local business purchase the t-shirts and a local Zumba instructor provided the door prizes. Logs were sent via email or were available in our vestibule. We had some families that participated.
Participant’s statements: the logs make me accountable, lowered by stress, my family is healthier, I have really enjoyed this it has been a way for me to get exercise outside, this has been a way for me and my friends to exercise outside while being safe and getting exercise.
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