Success StoryHandle with Care Becomes Law!
Handle with Care Becomes Law!
Author: Carla Jordan
Planning Unit: Program and Staff Development
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) suggests that exposure to trauma can pose negative lifetime consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019 that childhood trauma such as abuse and neglect can increase risk factors such as substance abuse, mental health issues and disease. Kentucky State University recognizes the importance of creating sustainable communities. One such way is collaborating with community organizations to teach resilience and address risk factors associated with abuse and neglect. Kentucky State University recognizes the importance and wider impact that community collaborations and partnerships can make. Therefore, they encourage and support the work that healthier sustainable communities.
One such partnership that they support is by allowing Family and Consumer Sciences- Area Agent III, Carla Jordan to chair the Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel. Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act (CAPTA), section 106 (c) requires each state to have at least one Citizen Review Panel. Kentucky has three panels; one of which is the Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel that covers 10 counties. The CRPs are directed to evaluate state child welfare agencies and make recommendations for improvement in child protective services. Panel can also participate in activities that reduce the risk of abuse and neglect.
One such way of creating sustainable communities is using a trauma informed approach to address the needs of the community. In 2018 the Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel recognized the increased number of children in Out of Home Care, particularly those removed due to increased drug use and criminal activity in their homes. After a brief introduction to Handle with Care the Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel believed it could potentially be a huge asset in mitigating trauma for our most vulnerable populations, our children. In 2018 The Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel began the process to bring Handle With Care to Kentucky, In 2018, April of 2018, the Center for Children’s Justice trained the Southern Bluegrass CRP Members and approximately 80 administrators from various organizations, ranging from the judicial, law enforcement, mental health, educational and other service providers on procedures from implementing Handle with Care (HWC). The primary premise of HWC is to ensure that if a child is present during a law enforcement call that the child’s school be notified before the next day. Law enforcement will send a notification to that child’s school that simply states the child’s name and HANDLE WITH CARE. The child is then monitored for any changes in behavior or performance, and if warranted, the appointed school personnel will ensure that child has an opportunity to access additional services to meet his/her needs. The pilot program was initially targeted to be tested at one Fayette County Public School. However, after thorough review Superintendent, Manny Caulk made the decision to implement the program in all Fayette County Schools. Due to the success the program, Handle with Care is now being implemented in 992 schools throughout the state of Kentucky. Most recently, due to the positive impact, Handle With Care Program was written into The School Safety & Resiliency Act, Senate House Bill # SB1(2019) KRS 158.4416. Additional information regarding Senate House Bill # SB1(2019) KRS 158.4416 may be found using the following link:,-2019).aspx. Implementing Handle With Care has strengthened partnerships between local and state police, schools, mental health, department of community services and other service providers throughout Kentucky. A video was developed that further explains the partnerships and how the program works. The video may be found by visiting, Finally, due to the success of the program in Kentucky, members from the Southern Bluegrass Citizen Review Panel have traveled throughout the United States teaching others how to begin the program in their respective state. The group will continue to monitor the success of the Handle with Care Program and document it’s progress.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Adverse Childhood Experiences. Retrieved from
CIBRS. 2020. Kentucky Safety and Resiliency Act. Retrieved from
Kentucky State Police. 2020. Handle with Care. Retrieved from
Jones, B (2018). CAPTA TIP Sheet 101. Retrieved from
West Virginia Center for Children’s Justice. (2018). Handle with Care Overview. Retrieved from
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