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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success Story2020 East KY Hay Contest

2020 East KY Hay Contest

Author: Keith Center

Planning Unit: Elliott County CES

Major Program: Hay testing

Plan of Work: Beef/Livestock Production

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

Hay and pasture production is a leading component of agriculture production in Elliott County. According to the 2017 United States Department of Agriculture Statistics Service data indicated 20,500 tons of hay are harvested on approximately 7,900 acres of farm land in the county. Therefore, the Elliott County Agriculture Council and the CEA for ANR felt that forage testing was essential for the farmers in Elliott County and signed up to participate in the East Kentucky Hay Contest for the fourth consecutive year.  

Hay samples were collected by Elliott County ANR agent, Keith Center, from September 2 thru October 5, 2020. 

Producers had the opportunity to submit samples in the following categories: Hay Class (Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Grass, Mixed, Grass and Summer Annual) Silage Class (Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Grass, Mixed, Grass, Small Grain and Summer Annual). Participation increased in Elliott County from 15 producers submitting 27 hay samples in the Hay Class (grass or mixed hay) in 2017 and 38 producers submitting 73 hay samples in 2018, in the Hay Class (grass or mixed hay) and silage class (grass or mixed silage) and 51 producers submitting 161 hay samples in 2019, in the Hay Class (grass or mixed hay) and silage class (grass, mixed, small grain and summer annual). Participation decreased in Elliott County in the 2020 Hay Contest due to the Covid-19 pandemic to 33 participants submitting 110 samples, in the Hay Class (grass or mixed hay and summer annual) and silage class (grass, mixed, small grain and summer annual).  Grass hay/silage is defined as grass that contains less than 10% legumes whereas mixed hay/silage is defined as grass that contains between 10% - 80% clover, small grains contains: winter wheat, winter rye and oat and summer annuals contains: sorghum sundagrass, millet, teff, annual lespedeza and soybean. 

Samples were delivered by ANR agent (Keith Center) to the Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability (RCARS) in Jackson, Kentucky on October 8, 2020 to be analyzed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Forage Specialist. 

Six hundred and twenty-four samples were submitted from 15 counties in the 2020 East KY Hay Contest, making it the largest amount of samples collected in the contest history! Elliott County also had the most samples collected for the second consecutive year with 110 samples. Elliott County had several producers place in the contest this year. Mary Skaggs placed 2nd overall in the Grass Hay Division, Tracy Kitchen placed 1st in the Summer Annual Hay Division and 1st place in the Summer Annual Haylage Division and Larry Dale Ison placed 2nd in the Grass Haylage Division. Participants that placed in the top three in each division will be presented awards. 

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