Success StorySoil Testing Promotion
Soil Testing Promotion
Author: Robert Marsh
Planning Unit: Rowan County CES
Major Program: Soils
Plan of Work: Supporting Local Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Rowan County has over $2 million in crop sales (predominately corn and soybeans) and over $2 million in animal sales (predominately cattle and calves) annually. In addition, the population of Rowan County has continued to grow with non-farming households. In order to protect surface and ground water the Rowan County Extension office sponsored a Soil Testing Promotion program intended to increase awareness and benefits of soil testing. Soil testing is a fundamental practice that can provide useful information to farmers, gardeners, and homeowners on how much fertilizer and lime to apply. Following soil test recommendations can help reduce costs, increase efficiency, and mitigate issues related to excess nutrient levels in surface and groundwater. The educational program included informational exchanges between the ANR agent and participants on recommended sampling practices, appropriate fertilizer use based on soil test results, using the NRCS Web Soil Survey, using KDA Lime Reports and other related recommended crop production practices. Rowan County residents learned the fundamentals of soil testing and how it can positively impact water quality and reduce costs. To date 9 people have participated in the program and completed soil testing on an estimated 130 acres of farm land, 1 garden and 2 home lawns.
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