Success StoryLearn Grow Eat Go
Learn Grow Eat Go
Author: Mary Jane Little
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In order to attain experiences that aid in positive development, it is important for youth to be engaged
learners. Researchers and practitioners have identified core competencies for quality programming
(Eccles & Gootman, 2002; National 4-H Impact Assessment, 2001; Search Institute, 2004). In
addition, Experiential Learning Theory has been applied to a variety of contexts. Although a number of
models exist, the common foundational theme is that the human experience aids significantly in the
learning process (Dewey, 1938; Kolb, 1984). However, it is critical to note that learning is enriched
when educators provide learning environments that allow reflection and application (Enfield, Schmitt-
McQuitty, & Smith, 2007).
Mason, Meade, and Fayette Counties collaborated on a virtual Learn Grow Eat Go program. 4-H agents and Horticulture agents were involved in the planning and teaching of the program. This was a 10 week program that met via ZOOM each Thursday and had supplemental items to go along with the virtual lesson. Youth learned about gardening and got a vast variety of seeds, containers to plant in, craft supplies, and publications/recipes to go with each lesson. The lessons were interactive and we made powerpoints and showed read-aloud books online for lesson material. We surveyed youth and had 22 participants which indicated they were not familiar with either container gardening or gardening outside. From this program youth learned valuable gardening skills, a few new recipes, how to problem solve and critical thinking skills, and met new 4-H'ers from across the commonwealth.
Stories by Mary Jane Little

Eastern National 4-H Horse Championships
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4-H Horse Camps / Field Days
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Stories by Animal and Food Sciences

Producing Beef for the Consumer
Beef producers can add value to their beef cattle by educating themselves and their consumers about ... Read More

Eastern National 4-H Horse Championships
The potential for change is a core strength of all youth—a strength that can be built upon. This str... Read More
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment