Success StoryVirtual School Clubs
Virtual School Clubs
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Natural Resources and the Environment
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-Her’s experienced a pandemic for the first time in their lives. Quickly youth were asked to change the way they lived. Whether it was how they do school work, go to the grocery, social interaction, extracurricular activities and so much more. For our local 4-Her’s what did that mean for them? Would there be 4-H Teen Summit, Teen Conference, Fair, 4-H Camp, club meetings and so much more. 4-H wanted a way to keep contact with 4-Her’s, keep them busy with hands on learning and help with the transition of a new normal. During the fall and spring we have and continue to provide virtual school clubs that follow CDC guidelines.
4-H Agents, 4-H Assistant,
Educational Response
Provide lessons for youth that were educational and include all 6 core areas.
We met virtually with schools to see if there was a interest in virtual school clubs. Bullitt County has 13 elementary schools and 6 of the schools decided to try the virutal 4-H Club. We have reached 840 kids each month. We chose 6 topics to teach this year. We put together materials to help educate youth on the topic and have a hands on project that went along with what they were learning. Before each meeting we drop off a box of the supplies that are indivigually wrapped for each student and then we connect virturally and provife the lesson. When youth are working from home they are provided a link to connect. OTherwise the teacher will connect us all in their classroom.Teachers were so excited to still offer 4-H in their classroom. One teacher reached out to let us know how much it helps the students and teachers to offer 4-H and have a different type of learning for youth even if its virtual. Below are some of the topics covered this year.
Engineering and Design
Weather and Climate
Life Cycle
Forces and Interaction
Embryology Project
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment