Success StoryCloverbuds
Author: Rebecca Hayes
Planning Unit: Carter County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
I worked with the Cloverbud leader to start our Cloverbud program via Zoom. I worked with her to set up an informational session on September 28th and planned the meeting on October 12th. We had 12 youth sign in for the September meeting and we had 13 youth asked for grab and go packets for the October meeting.
In September we learned the pledges, got to "see" each other and learned about kindness.
For our October meeting, I put together and sent out "grab and go packets" that included a wally cat coloring page, apple berry salsa recipe, fruit & veggie color champions book mark, a pumpkin craft, a 4-H pledge card craft, caramel popcorn recipe, and 2 Halloween workbook pages. At the meeting we will demonstrate how to make the caramel popcorn, make the craft together, show off Halloween costumes, and get to know each other some more.
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