Success StoryVictory Garden Success

Victory Garden Success

Author: Angela Freeman

Planning Unit: Taylor County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In a nationwide telephone survey of 2,004 respondents, people who reported picking flowers, fruits or vegetables, planting trees, taking care of plants, or living next to a garden in childhood were more likely to show an interest in gardening as they aged and to form lasting positive relationships with gardens and trees (Lohr & Pearson-Mims, 2005)

The Victory Garden project was initiated by Kentucky Nutrition Education Program in the summer with resources on gardening information and support from local Extension Offices, agents and nutrition education assistants. 

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Assistant traditionally helps child care centers with garden projects each spring. Two centers requested soil, seeds and plants. Bedding plants were purchased with county funds from the local Farmers Market.  In addition, one center wished to continue remote LEAP activities (Literacy, Eating, Activity for Preschool/Primary), and they received pots and seeds for a garden activity for the book The Surprise Garden. They later received 30 buckets for students to take home and plant tomato sets with the Victory Garden toolkit, Kids Club Newsletters and Wally Cat activities.  

The Nutrition Assistant also assisted the Horticulture Agent with Victory Garden buckets for pick up at the Extension Office. As the Horticulture Agent is coordinating 4-H activities in the absence of an agent, 4-H buckets were made and distributed at Farmers Market and at the Extension Office. Lettuce boxes were also made for pickup at the office and at market. The Nutrition Assistant provided Wally Cat recipes, experiments and games from the Eat Smart, Play Hard toolkit for the projects. One client from the Healthy Choices for Every Body program picked up a lettuce box and reported great success. She reported,   "We had 2 containers of lettuce that turned into a lot more. We had BLTs several times with lots of fresh leaf lettuce; altogether, I'd  say at least 30 large servings! "

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