Success StoryReaching Out While Locked In -Forages
Reaching Out While Locked In -Forages
Author: Don Sorrell
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Natural Resource Education - Beef and Forage Production and Marketing
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
With the onset of COVID-19 came the need to move away from face-to face Extension programming to more Zoom programs, YouTube videos and in my case outdoor forage field days. To address the needs of our agriculture community in the area of forage production (especially hay production and weed control) 5 YouTube videos were developed to assist farmers with timely topics. These included: adjusting the no-till drill, taking soil tests, understanding soil test recommendations, weed control in pastures and hay fields and establishing forage crops. These videos were/are posted on or AG/Hort Facebook page and our Extension Service website.
The Agriculture agent also worked with two farmers to establish demonstrations plots/fields that focused on weed control in hay and pasture fields and establishing and managing Roundup Ready Alfalfa. These demonstration fields included soil testing, forge and weed evaluations, application of recommended lime, fertilizer and herbicide applications. Videos and photographs were taken during these demonstrations that became a part of the YouTube videos.
Two forage field days were held during the summer of 2020 to showcase the results of these demonstrations. Check plots were used to show the difference in forage production where best management forage production practices were implemented verses no improvements were made. A total of 53 different farmers attended one or both of the field days. Following these two field days the Ag agent made 11 farm visits to support farmers with forage related issues.
Agent also increase the awareness of other forage resources by promoting the use of UK forage website, forage newsletter, YouTube forage videos and display of UK forage publications at our Extension display at Southern States.
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