Success StoryHelping the Hearts of our bodies thru Healthy Affordable Meals
Helping the Hearts of our bodies thru Healthy Affordable Meals
Author: Cathy Fellows
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Studies show families in Kentucky can sometimes struggle to meet the basic needs of their
family. Recent data shows Kentucky’s State Poverty rate is almost 19%. (Pre-Covid 19).
The University of Kentucky’s Boone County Nutrition Education Assistant, partnered with
The Northern Kentucky’s Helping Hearts group. Helping Hearts is a non-profit organization
that works virtually via Facebook to distribute household goods, clothing, diapers, formula
and food to local Northern Kentucky families in need of the resources. The group met for a
7 lesson series at the Boone County’s Enrichment Centers Cooking Lab Kitchen. They
learned about Nutrition, Food Safety, and how to plan meals on a limited budget.
Along with each session the group prepared a healthy, low cost recipe to sample. One
participant said she added The Colorful Quesadilla to her grocery list.
She enjoyed the taste and found it very cost efficient for her family of three. This nutritious
recipe is loaded with vegetables. The following week we sampled Sweet Potato Chili, which
also made it to her grocery list. She exclaimed “you can’t beat the taste and price of it. Best
of all I usually have those staple items in my pantry.”
These free nutrition classes are known to be extremely helpful and participants learn tools
that can help them live a healthier lifestyle.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment