Success StoryVirtual Sewing Club
Virtual Sewing Club
Author: Patrice Thompson
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Educating & Empowering Individuals and Families to Make Responsible Choices and Develop Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Friday, September 11, 2020 Ms Jenie and I started the sewing program online with Grace James Academy. This is very different from how we would normally do programming but everything went well. The students seemed excited and ready to participate. We provided 11 students with sewing kits and they will be learning beginner sewing basics to complete a sewing project. Grace James Academy is an all girls middle school, that serves minority females who are interested in STEM careers. The school is named after a local pediatrician who served the Louisville Community. In the upcoming weeks they will learn tool basics, stitching basics, and eventually complete a project on their own.
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