Success StoryDigging for Success

Digging for Success

Author: Kati Noble

Planning Unit: Breathitt County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

According to the Kids Count Data Center, in 2018 76% of children in Breathitt County were living below 200% of the poverty level. Growing one’s own food is a way to reduce grocery costs. One way to address the child poverty level is by teaching the importance of growing a garden at home.

Breathitt County SNAP-Ed Assistant, in partnership with the Breathitt County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, created a Gardening Grab and Go Bag. Participants were given handouts on how to prepare a garden. They were also given seeds to plant in their gardens. Participants also learned how to keep garden foods safe, and how to preserve fresh produce.

A total of 50 families received a Gardening Grab and Go Bag. Participants stated that they had planted the corn and bean seeds provided in the bags. Families reported canning at least 10 quarts of green beans and freezing 10 quarts of corn.

The Gardening on the Go Bag Program addressed the poverty need in Breathitt County by allowing participants to learn how to grow and how to cut down on food costs

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