Success Story4-H Virtual Programs in Jefferson County
4-H Virtual Programs in Jefferson County
Author: Kelly Smith
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
When the COVID-19 global pandemic forced Kentuckians into quarantine youth and families began spending more time at home, minimizing opportunities for youth to engage in typical extracurricular activities. Due to this situation the Jefferson County 4-H Program began holding 4-H virtual programs on social media platforms. The goal of the 4-H virtual programs were to maintain ways for youth and families to engage with 4-H projects, events and activities while learning new life skills through a trusted source with the Jefferson County 4-H office and curriculum from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Cooperative Extension Service.
Jefferson County 4-H has planned virtual programs for the fall, including Photography, STEM, Art, Nutrition, Homeschool outreach and Cloverbud. The virtual programming has offered new ways to get involved with 4-H, increase participation of new audiences as well as awareness of the benefits of participation in 4-H activities. Youth and families have had the opportunity through the virtual programming to connect with people from across the County.
Many families and youth have said that because of the virtual programming, they have been able to stay connected with 4-H. Others have said that this has continued to bring a sense of normalcy in their home and have enjoyed programming and looking forward to programs in the future.
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