Success StorySpring Container Gardens
Spring Container Gardens
Author: Bobbie Hancock
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Mercer County Nutrition Education Program partnered with the Mercer County Intermediate School to provide 20 students a container garden. Each student was given plants including: tomato, sweet pepper, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, and onion sets. They received a container filled with soil to grow their garden. The plant types were chosen by the participants in order to make salsa with their produce. Weekly lessons were available for viewing through Google. They were taught the life-cycle of the vegetable plants, and how to care for the garden and check for insects and disease's. When the garden began producing, recipes were shared for them to make. Also, a video was shared on how to prepare salsa. Fifteen of the participants made the salsa, and enjoyed it with their families. One child stated they ate the vegetables from the garden. The youth expressed interest in participating next year, with even more vegetables.
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