Success StoryCOVID 19 It's Effect On Our Community
COVID 19 It's Effect On Our Community
Author: Judy McGuire
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
During the last seven months our community has seen a lot of changes as a result of COVID 19: schools closing, stores running out of certain items, such as sanitizers, food, clothing and other basic needs. In addition, restaurants and hospitals limited the number of people they are allow to serve. tThe need to stay home and stay safe was the new normal.
Floyd County Extension’s Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) partnered with several agencies: Public Housing, Floyd County School District, Food Pantries, Floyd County Libraries,and local Health Department to meet the needs of the people in Floyd County. EFNEP began a "Brown Bag" program. All together there was a total of 4,837 Brown Bags given out. Each bag contained items such as Wally Cat Activity books, COVID 19 updates and information, Food Safety information, Wally Cat Hand Washing posters, MyPlate packets, EFNEP nutrition information and recipes, foot balls and jump ropes.
The program was greatly appreciated by those receiving the brown bags. A parent/grandparent reported, “Thank you so much for the packets. It was a great activity for my child/grandchild. They even put down their phones and games for a while and went outside to play with the jump ropes and foot balls. One mother stated that her child had never jumped rope before, so now it something they do together along with enjoying the recipes and cooking together as a family.
Another parent commented that not only were the recipes very good but because some of them were in the youth bags her son claims them and loves cooking with them. "He had no interest in cooking before."
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment