Success StoryFace Coverings
Face Coverings
Author: Glenna Wooten
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Homemaker club members, Extension staff, and volunteers came together virtually to fill a need in the community when the COVID-19 pandemic started. The District Health Department requested face masks for use in nursing homes, local health departments, first responders, and others who were working closely with the public. The Extension office, led by the Family and Consumer Sciences agent, stepped up to start the process. Using appropriate fabrics that has been donated to the Extension Office, the Family and Consumer Sciences agent followed CDC guidelines by preparing and washing the fabrics prior to making face masks. Volunteers and homemakers picked up fabric and fabric kits and proceeded to make face masks at home from the instructions given to us from the District Health Department. Approximately 800 face masks were made, collected and dropped off at the District Health Department which serves seven counties. An additional 300 face coverings were made and sent to the UK Children's hospital.
Early on, face masks were also made for the 20+ volunteers at a local food bank as they continued to distribute food boxes at a time when purchased face masks were not available.
As public schools were scheduled for re-opening, Grab n Go bags containing face mask kits were given out so parents would have cloth face masks ready for their children. There were enough materials in each bag to make six face coverings. Approximately 50 bags were given out.
Homemakers were called upon again to participate in Brittainy Beshear's Face Coverings for Kids. Homemakers and other volunteers sewed face coverings which were donated to the local school system. The total number of face coverings made and donated by homemakers and volunteers was approximately 1800.
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Face Coverings
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