Success StoryForage Improvement: Reducing Broomsedge Competition with Potassium
Forage Improvement: Reducing Broomsedge Competition with Potassium
Author: Susan Fox
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Livestock Production
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
University of Kentucky research has shown that soil potassium plays a key role in reducing broomsedge in forage stands and increasing yields from cool-season forages. Low potassium will prevent nitrogen fertilizer from having its full yield-enhancing effect. A spring article sent to 77 farmers highlighted that many farmers underfertilize with potassium. The agent also discussed the findings with a local farmer and subsequently with the farmer's crop advisor. The field was soil tested and recommendations were followed for a 30-acre hayfield. The farmer was very pleased. He baled 115 5x6 round bales from a 30-acre field.
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