Success StoryCommunicating Virtually
Communicating Virtually
Author: Jan Gibson
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
One of the programs that was interrupted by the pandemic shutdown, was the county's 4-H Communications event. While the Talk Meet is held in the Fall, the Demonstration training had just just gotten started when everything came to a standstill. Once it was verified that the state 4-H Communications event would be offered virtually, the county Talk Meet champions were contacted to see if they would video their speech at home and send a copy to be entered in the district competition. One leader was anxious about those youth who had been so excited to participate for the first time in the demonstrations. In discussing this with her, we were able to arrange to work with these youth remotely by zoom and finish practicing and refining their demonstrations. As a result of these efforts there were five youth to compete in the District 4-H Virtual Communications Talk Meet and two youth to compete in the Demonstrations - representing youth from three different schools in Perry County. All seven youth were named the District Champions in their categories and were in the state competition. One youth was the State Champion in age 11 Talk Meet and the other six 4-H'ers were awarded a Blue Ribbon. The school leaders and the parents that had youth participate expressed that they were very pleased that this was something concrete and valuable that their children could be involved in while at home. It was not cancelled but modified to accommodate for participation, and they could feel part of something really important.
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