Success StoryBiggest Winner 2020

Biggest Winner 2020

Author: Laura Milburn

Planning Unit: Washington County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

According to Kentucky Health Facts org, Washington County reports that 29% of its residents have some form of hypertension and report being physically unhealthy at least 5 days a month.

To combat these numbers the Washington County Family Consumer Science agent and the SNAP-Ed Program Assistant with the Lincoln Trail Health Department and Fuel Fitness Center offered a Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle course titled Biggest Winner 2020.

Weekly meetings were held over the course of 3 months.  This group reached 18 participants, with 40 additional people being reached in the participant’s families.  The participants were taught from ‘Healthy Choices for Everybody’ curriculum.

At the end of the program 31% of participants showed improvement in one or more nutrition practices, i.e. diet quality, food safety and food resource management.  The 92% positive change in one or more food group consumption will help with the participants overall health and well-being.

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