Success StoryBuilding Partnerships for Food Insecurities
Building Partnerships for Food Insecurities
Author: Lora Davidson
Planning Unit: Laurel County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plan of Work: Promote Safety, Health, Wellness and Good Nutrition
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2020 the Pandemic of the COVID-19 has threatened the lives and livelihood throughout the world. In Harlan County we rank 115 out of 120 counties in the overall health outcome.
32% obesity rate
5.7% food environment index
7.4% unemployment
44% of children living in poverty.
These numbers show the poverty rate and the impact that food insecurities can have on the members of the community. Harlan food insecurity rate is ranked at 28.3% with 11% likely ineligible according to guidelines for federal nutrition programs. Family & Consumer Sciences Agent was able to build a relationship with Laurel Grocery in London, KY and Christs Hands in Harlan, KY.
Donated food items from the distribution center was gathered up and donated to Christs Hands to help with their daily feedings. Christs Hands offers daily feedings every day at 5:00 p.m. and also has a food pantry that is open twice out of the month. They were able to use the donated items to provide meals to the community as well as have extra items in the food pantry. Hand-outs were giving on social distancing guidelines, washing hands and being aware of COVID-19. Hand-outs were also given on meal planning with pantry staples.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment