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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryReaching Out While Locked In (ROWLI) Beef Webinar Series Research Updates

Reaching Out While Locked In (ROWLI) Beef Webinar Series Research Updates

Author: Kevin Bullock

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: Beef

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Even with some lessening of restrictions on meeting the beef Extension group decided to continue ROWLI program through the summer with an added twist. We decided to feature one of the beef researchers with an Extension specialists to provide an update on current research at the University of Kentucky and provide some education on how that information can be applied on the farm. Seven webinars were scheduled to accomplish this goal. Topics included an update on the states of the Animal and Food Sciences Department along with some bull buying tips; the impact of selenium on beef cattle fertility; ruminant physiology and nutrition research; temperaments impact on performance and baleage; selenium research and a good mineral program; feedstuffs and impact on nutrient metabolism; and information from the meat science group.  These sessions were available on Zoom and FaceBook Live with a live audience and all sessions were recorded and uploaded to YouTube for later viewing. Feedback from participants indicated that they have a greater appreciation for the research that is being conducted on beef cattle at UK and we pleased to learn how that could put that to use. These sessions continue to serve multiple functions, first and foremost they have provided beef producers with up to date information during a time of limited direct access to Extension personnel; they have provided training to receive cost-share through the GOAP’s CAIP program and agents have used them for in-service training.

Stories by Kevin Bullock

Beef Seedstock Symposium is the First Step in Improving Kentucky's Beef Industry

about 8 months ago by Kevin Bullock

The Kentucky Beef Extension Group conducts numerous educational programs across the state on a multi... Read More

CAIP Beef Genetic Improvement Program

about 8 months ago by Kevin Bullock

The Kentucky County Ag Investment Program (CAIP) is funded through the Tobacco Master Settlement and... Read More

Stories by Animal and Food Sciences

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

about 7 months ago by Kevin Laurent

Unweaned bawling calves are at high risk for increased mortality and morbidity when shipped from the... Read More

4-H Equine Task Force

4-H Equine Task Force

about 8 months ago by Mary Jane Little

4-H is one of the leading youth clubs across the United States and Canada. 4-H is the most highly re... Read More