Success StoryWorld Pandemic forces change of venue for 2020 Wheat Field Day

World Pandemic forces change of venue for 2020 Wheat Field Day

Author: Colette Laurent

Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences

Major Program: Grain Crops

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Historically the annual field day provides growers, consultants, agribusiness and extension personal from Ky and surrounding states a unique opportunity to learn about ongoing research and ask questions concerning timely issues that affect the wheat production.

The CORONA 19 Virus did not stop the activities in the field for farmer.Agriculture was deemed essential during the Pandemic.However, in person Field days and meetings were not considered essential.Because much of the information presented at our field day is used during the season, the Wheat Science Group (WSG) made the decision to convert our “in person” event day to a Virtual Wheat Field Day.This sounds simple; however, it required a tremendous effort on the speakers and event coordinator.Hours were spent taking pictures and videos, testing and perfecting a delivery vehicle that would feel like a field day.In the end, 9 speakers and myself put forth a coordinated effort and presented a virtual meeting Zooming in from 7 locations.The program included 8 topics, a Q & A sections, and a quick poll in lieu of the normal survey. Over 50% of the participants polled plan to make changes in at least 1 area of wheat production next year.

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