Success StoryGrab & Go Bags
Grab & Go Bags
Author: Kelly Mackey
Planning Unit: Calloway County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Parenting
Plan of Work: Health and Wellness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In a short matter of time, Extension programs as we know them came to an abrupt halt. Events, clubs and programs were cancelled in their traditional manner and everyone began working from home. With schools being closed and students at home, a strain was placed on parents and caregivers, who might also be working from home, to provide educational and fun activities for youth.
Extension agents are familiar with adapting and becoming creative in order to meet the needs of our clientele. The Grab and Go program was developed to provide activities, supplies and to families that worked to develop skills such as independence, mastery and creativity. Each week a different them was given to the bag such as; Earth Day, The Money Game, Family Fitness, Flowers and Cookies with Mom, Tea Time Table Manners, etc. Along with the supplies for the fun activity, each bag also contained healthy recipes and other researched based information about overall health and wellness.
Bags were placed outside the extension office once a week for families to come and pick up. During May through June we partnered with the FRYSC Directors to help them create themed bags to be picked up at the schools each week.
As of June 30, 2020, 700 bags were picked up at the extension office and we participated in 700 bags with the FRYSC Dicrectors. While this type of program was developed to meet a need during a crisis, agents have determined it to be a beneficial program that will be continued at various times throughout the program year.
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