Success Story4-H Festival & Extension Expo
4-H Festival & Extension Expo
Author: Bonita Jolly
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Leadership and Advocacy
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In an effort to create an awareness and expand the knowledge of the county 4-H program and other programs offered through the county extension service the first 4-H Festival and Extension Expo was held. 4-H program assistant worked with 4-H council and project club leaders along with 4-Hers to set up various games so that youth and their families could walk around and interact with 4-Hers in the different program areas.
4-Hers in the various project clubs were responsible for certain games while some members took care of the free educational activities where by parents and participants learned more about the different clubs and how 4-H members were involved. Tickets were sold to those wishing to participate in the games with proceeds from the sales going back to the clubs as a fundraiser.
The weather cooperated and participation was great. As a result we saw an increase in enrollment in the various project clubs with shooting sports having 18 new enrollments following this activity. The increase in enrollment also continued with the animal science clubs, robotics and cooking clubs. Master gardeners set up an information booth with hopes that other program areas will be involved in future events.
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