Success StoryWaterhemp Research Plot

Waterhemp Research Plot

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Planning Unit: Taylor County CES

Major Program: Grain Crops

Plan of Work: Management and Marketing

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

After the introduction of glyphosate in the mid 1970’s, it was primarily used as a burndown herbicide in corn and soybeans.  Since the introduction of Roundup Ready crops in 1996, glyphosate has been used widely for burndown and in-crop weed control with the increase in use and many dropping pre-emerge herbicides from their weed control program weeds have become resistant.  Two weeds, palmer amaranth and waterhemp, were identified as resistant in 2005.   These pigweeds are very aggressive in their growth.  

In 2018, glyphosate-resistant waterhemp was officially found in Taylor County.  To help determine the best herbicide programs to use on waterhemp and growth characteristics, the Taylor County Cooperative Extension Service, in cooperation with the University of Kentucky Extension weed science department, conducted a state waterhemp control research trial in 2019 and 2020.  The research trial evaluated different pre-emerge and post emerge herbicides on their control of waterhemp.

Results were highlighted at a field day with approximately 40 present.  Participants viewed the research plots before each herbicide combination were discussed.  The rules and regulations governing Dicamba were also discussed to help protect applicator, crop and environment.  Results of this trial were published as part of AGR-6.  Results of informal surveys, show approximately 25 produces have used the research plot data to tailor their 2020 soybean herbicide programs.

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