Success StoryCommercial Tomato Grower Fights Pest and Disease with Recommendations from UK
Commercial Tomato Grower Fights Pest and Disease with Recommendations from UK
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Commercial Horticulture
Plan of Work: Improving the efficiency of producers' marketing abilities and production practices.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A local commercial tomato producer has struggled for the last two years with his production on his lower ground in Hickman County. After working with specialists, pathologists, and several different labs (including UK), the producer is on his way to healthier tomato production and solve problems for his lower production ground. Working with him from his starters, all the way up to mature plants, many issues were able to be addressed in regards to production.
He wrote a response to the assistance he received from UK:
"I wanted to follow up on these tomatoes because I appreciate your help! My suspicion since is that your specialist was right, those who made the diagnosis were spot on with symptoms and after recommendations, the plants started looking better and grew well. They are about halfway through growth cycle on the first bloom fruit is set and second blooms are setting with a little electric toothbrush help! Thanks to you and the specialist for your time and help!"
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