Success StoryExpress Yourself Virtual Day Camp
Express Yourself Virtual Day Camp
Author: Kelly Smith
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The COVID-19 global pandemic forced families into quarantine and required them to spend more time at home, minimizing opportunities for youth to engage in typical extracurricular activities. The Kentucky 4-H Foundation offered mini grants to Counties wanting to do some type of virtual programming to help with the at home needs families were facing. The Jefferson County 4-H agents together submitted an application and received funds to support a virtual Art day camp. The day camp was called the Express Yourself Virtual Day Camp. This was a 5 day camp, two hours each day, planning 5 different days of learning new skills and creating at least 5 entries for the Jefferson County Fair. There were 25 youth enrolled. The money from the grant and the 4-H Council supported the items to be ordered, boxed and mailed to their houses. Throughout the 5 days youth learned new skills within the Expressive Arts area. Using this curriculum brought skills involved with drawing, painting, Batik, and jewelry making.
The goal of the 4-H Virtual Day Camp was to maintain ways for youth and families to engage with 4-H projects, while learning new life skills through curriculum within 4-H and the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Cooperative Extension Service. Utilizing curriculum within the area of Arts, allowed 4-H staff to continue the goal of teaching however using different methods virtually. This also allowed Jefferson County 4-H to reach youth that had not been reached before. But using social media and virtual classes, some youth were able to join. After the camp was over, several verbal evaluations were made and many commented that they “had fun and enjoyed learning to do something they had never done”.
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