Success Story2019 Spray Clinic Provides Impact for Farmers and Applicators
2019 Spray Clinic Provides Impact for Farmers and Applicators
Author: Travis Legleiter
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Integrated Plant Pest Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The application of herbicide and fungicides for control of weeds and plant diseases can be very costly when incorrect applications lead to exponential cost, crop loss, and potential litigation if drift occurs. The appropriate calibration of a sprayer, nozzle selection, and maintenance of sprayers are all complicated procedures that can fluctuate depending on the product being applied and type of sprayer being used.
The 2019 Spray Clinic was held in July 2019 and featured Dr. Tim Stombaugh, Dr. Kiersten Wise, and Dr. Travis Legleiter of the University of Kentucky. The clinic also featured a local equipment mechanic who specialized in sprayer maintenance and repair. Topics covered during the day long in depth clinic included sprayer calibration, operation of pulse width modulation systems, sprayer maintenance, nozzle selection for herbicide applications, and nozzle selection for fungicide applications. The field day was attended by individuals from across the state of Kentucky who influenced approximately 82,000 acres of row crops. Participant surveys indicated the field day gave them approximately $12.50 per acre worth of knowledge lending to a potential $1 million impact from the program based on the acreage influenced by the participants.
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