Success StoryUK Beef IRM Mineral Label Born
UK Beef IRM Mineral Label Born
Author: Myron Evans
Planning Unit: Carter County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Livestock and Forage Production and Marketing
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Beef production continues to be the largest agricultural commodity in Carter County. Beef producers got spoiled with the high beef prices they were receiving in 2013-2014. We all knew it wouldn't last but it still hurt when prices fell. When prices fall, producers begin looking at ways to cut production costs. Their mineral program is where many want to cut. One producer stated that it took 2 calves just to pay for his mineral and he was going back to white salt. When another producer was describing some health issues in his herd, agent asked what kind of mineral was he feeding. "Oh, I feed those really good yellow salt blocks" was his reply. One of the largest farmers in Carter County lost two feeder calves in the spring of 2017. He called and described the symptoms of pneumonia. He took the second one that died to the UK Animal Diagnostic Lab and sent agent the results. The necropsy report showed that there was a severe copper and selenium deficiency. Agent recommended he consider ordering the UK IRM Beef mineral that the Northeast Area Livestock Association does a group order for two times a year. Agent has promoted a good mineral program and stressed how minerals affect the animals immune system, reproduction, and many other health aspects. The NEALA does a group mineral order two times a year which it takes bids on and the mineral has to be special blended to meet all UK Beef IRM guidelines. We have our own tag and the mineral is labeled "Carter County IRM Mineral". As far as agent can find out, there isn't any mineral labels on the shelf that meet all UK Beef IRM Guidelines. The NEALA just completed its Fall 2017 Group Mineral order. Bids were taken and had a new bidder, Cargill. Cargill won the bid and it was special blended in Missouri and delivered to our local farm supply store. Cargill changed our label to "UK Beef IRM Mineral" so they could sell the same blend anywhere in the state without having to change the label. Our average order has been 33 producers ordering 16 tons per order over the last few years. 24 1/2 tons or 980 bags were ordered by 50 producers in the Fall 2017 order. The producer who had lost a calf with the severe mineral deficiencies bought a ton. Agent talked with 2 other producers who had just bought mineral. One had bought a Southern States Hi-Mag Mineral and the other bought a CPC mineral. He was told that the CPC mineral was blended in Ky. for Ky. cattle. Both paid over $22 / 50 lb. Most any good mineral will cost over $5 / 50 lb. bag more than the Carter County IRM mineral and still will not meet all of the UK Beef IRM Guidelines.
As a result of the NEALA Group Mineral orders and the constant promotion of an adequate mineral program by agent, the NEALA Group Mineral order increased by 65% or 340 bags in the 2017 Fall order. This saved 50 producers approximately $4,700 for a 6 month supply of mineral while getting the best possible mineral for their cattle at the same time. Also, THE FIRST UK BEEF IRM MINERAL LABEL WAS BORN.
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