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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryPost Weaning Value-Added Program – Feedlot (PVAP-FEEDLOT)

Post Weaning Value-Added Program – Feedlot (PVAP-FEEDLOT)

Author: Kevin Laurent

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: Beef

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Post Weaning Value-Added Program – Feedlot (PVAP-FEEDLOT)

The Post Weaning Valued Added Program - Feedlot (PVAP-FEEDLOT) began in 2019 through a grant from the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund and is administered by the University of Kentucky and the Kentucky Beef Network. The objective of PVAP-FEEDLOT is to encourage cow-calf producers to retain ownership and capture added value from their investment in beef cattle genetics, facilities, and improved management through diversified marketing strategies. 

Justification:  The quality of Kentucky cattle has improved tremendously over the last 20 years.  Progressive producers may be able to capture more added value and a greater return on their investment in genetics by owning their cattle through the feedlot phase. This program will also provide an opportunity for cow-calf producers to gain valuable feedlot and carcass data on their herds.


  • Home raised calves weaned on the farm using CPH-45 protocol, then enrolled in the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Cooperative, Lewis, Iowa or similar approved program were eligible.
  • Only producers who have never retained ownership through a commercial feedlot were eligible.


  • Potential participants were identified by the local UK ANR agent or KBN facilitator.
  • An orientation meeting was conducted by UK Specialists and UK ANR agents for participants.
  • A site visit was conducted by the UK Specialist, UK ANR Agent or KBN facilitator to evaluate the calves and plan the weaning process and design a proper feeding program.
  • Calves were worked, weighed, EID tagged, PI-BVD tested and weaned according to CPH-45 protocol.  
  • At the end of the preconditioning period, calves were delivered to central shipping point.  Calves were graded, weighed and valued using current market information prior to shipment to the feedlot.
  • Upon harvest of cattle and receiving the final closeouts, a wrap up meeting was conducted by UK specialists for one on one evaluation and interpretation of each producer’s data.
  • Producers received a $75/head PVAP-incentive payment for completing the program.


  • 65 calves from 8 producers in western KY were shipped in August to Nilan Feedyard in Oakland, Iowa.  These calves were harvested in January and February.  A summary of the carcass data, disposition score and closeout of profit/loss is shown below.  These figures also show a comparison to other cattle in the Tri-County Steer Futurity Program (TCSF) along with current national averages.  Kentucky cattle compared favorably with other cattle in the program and were worth nearly $40 more in the carcass versus other TCSF cattle.  After the CFAP payment these producers netted roughly $160 per head more than if these calves had been sold as feeder calves in Kentucky.

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Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

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Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

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