Author: Rachel Guidugli
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Kentucky 4-H aims to engage youth through hands-on leadership experiences where they can build leadership competencies at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of 4-H involvement. The Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council, Fashion Leadership Board, Performing Arts Troupe, Shooting Sports Teen Ambassador Board, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy, and the Science, Engineering and Technology Leadership Board provide experiences for senior 4-H’ers to advance their leadership skills in the core area of their interest at the advanced level. It has been a trend that Kentucky 4-H State Officers serve on one of these state level boards before applying and running for office. The Kentucky 4-H State Officers represent the entire Kentucky 4-H Program, engaging youth, adults and stakeholders throughout their term in office. It is a goal of Kentucky 4-H that youth who are interested in applying to run as a Kentucky 4-H State Officer have state level opportunities to fully develop as a leader, therefore the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp was created in 2016. Senior 4-H’ers are invited to the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp, 2017 was the second year of this two-day intensive program focused on leadership development. The youth had the opportunity to participate in exercises that would empower them to lead within their community at an advanced level.
During 2017 forty-three individuals who attended Kentucky 4-H Leadership Bootcamp represented youth from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 100% of the participants reported that due to their involvement in 4-H Leadership Bootcamp they are prepared to apply for a Kentucky 4-H State Officer position or state leadership board, feel more confident in an interview setting, understand the purpose of an elevator speech, showing appreciation to others, and the value of a team. The participants set goals while at 4-H Leadership Bootcamp regarding their future as a 4-H’er, some of those goals included: becoming a 4-H State Officer, develop skills to become a better public speaker, and continue working on interviewing skills. Because of 4-H Leadership Bootcamp youth participants believe they will be better leaders and will be able to easily implement skills and ideas they learned at 4-H Leadership Bootcamp when they return home. 100% of the 4-H Leadership Bootcamp participants said they would recommend this two-day intensive leadership development event to others who might have similar aspirations to lead at the advanced level in Kentucky 4-H.
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