Success Story4-H Rally Days
4-H Rally Days
Author: Meagan Diss
Planning Unit: Union County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: 4-H Leadership
Outcome: Initial Outcome
County fairs are a staple, especially in rural communities. It provides a time to come together for not only the community but also the 4-H members as their projects are on display. COVID-19 came to emergence in the spring of 2020 and led to many county fairs being canceled on CDC guidelines. In order to still provide an opportunity for the 4-H fair projects to be shown, Union County Cooperative Extension Office came up with the idea for Rally Days. Youth dropped off their projects at the office where they would be judged the same as if it was at the county fair. This also allowed more than just those participating in the Country Ham Project to be active again in 4-H and a chance to show off their hard work. Just under fifty projects were entered into Rally Days ranging from baked good to agricultural commodities and even a painting! In talking with those who dropped off projects, it came to light how appreciative 4-H members and parents were to have this opportunity. Although it did not look like a traditional county fair, the Union County Cooperative Extension Office did its best to make sure there was something available for the 4-H youth in the community to show off their hard work.
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