Success Story4-H Achievement Program
4-H Achievement Program
Author: Owen Prim
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Oral and Written Communication Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The 4-H Achievement Program gives youth experience in learning to set goals, keeping records, planning and organizing, completing tasks and working with others. In the process youth learn to develop and practice communication skills through interviews, filling out forms and applications and by completing video presentations. Overall 4-H Youth Development Programs provide opportunities for creativity in a learning by doing environment and encourage youth to become involved in projects and activities that help them develop valuable life skills. Recognition for outstanding accomplishments also provide incentive for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities.
As a result of this 4-H agent and the 4-H Council promoting the 4-H Achievement Program and working with youth on their applications and practice interviews, the Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Program had 10 youth to receive recognition in the program this year. Three teens received an expense paid trip to the National 4-H Congress in November 2019. Four teens were selected as finalist for the Emerald Award and two received call backs and were in the final eight.
Moreover, our teens credit the 4-H Achievement Program in helping them in applying for and receiving college scholarships. Over $13,750.00 was awarded this year to our graduating seniors through 4-H Scholarships. These scholarships came from the 4-H Council, RC Durr Foundation 4-H Scholarships, Kentucky 4-H Foundation, PW Lawrence 4-H Scholarship, Fresh Start Farms 4-H Scholarship and Kentucky Equine Education Program (KEEP) 4-H Scholarships.
Stories by Owen Prim

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Stories by Campbell County CES

4-H Horse Program
Horses are an important industry and pastime in Campbell County. According to the 2022 Kentucky Equi... Read More

4-H Livestock
With the number of farms and acres of farmland in Campbell County decreasing each year, the general ... Read More
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