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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryMaster Clothing Volunteers - Sharing Sewing Success

Master Clothing Volunteers - Sharing Sewing Success

Author: Kelly Smith

Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES

Major Program: Master Clothing Volunteer

Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, it can reduce stress and increase an individual’s feeling of self-worth. The Shelby County Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agent and Jefferson County 4-H Agent served as the Cooperative Extension Service’s Louisville Area Master Clothing Volunteer (MCV) Contact and Assistant Contact Agents. The FCS and 4-H Agent coordinated the Louisville Area Master Clothing Volunteers (MCVs) statewide training attendance and assisted at the statewide MCV Training, organized a Louisville Area MCV Community Projects Sewing Day, provided MCV program updates and helped market the program. 

 Sharing their sewing skills with others is important to the twenty area MCVs. Each one served as a teacher and leader in her county in the area of sewing. During the past year the MCVs have led 137 sewing programs, including 4-H sewing project days, Sewing Series, monthly Sewing Circles, “Come Sew with Us” events for beginning sewers, neighborhood sewing groups, mending events, sewing club and mission sewing groups. 

 The twenty MCVs reported making 3,297 contacts this year and sewing 1,265 community service items, including over 700 face masks due to COVID 19. They also reported volunteering 1,910 hours in teaching, preparation, continuing education, leadership, and community service. Based on the value of volunteer time ($21.36/hr), this is a contribution worth $40,797.60 to their communities. Some sewing students and some MCVs have used their sewing skills to make additional money for their families. Eight of the Louisville Area MCVs taught at the state-wide MCV Training. The MCVs taught sewing to over 120 4-Hers and other youth who used their new sewing skills to complete 4-H sewing project garments or other sewing items. The 4-Hers and other youth were proud of their newly developed sewing skills that will last a lifetime. 

 The Louisville Area MCV leadership has grown immensely since the first state-wide graduating class of 1990. This past year we had twenty very active MCVs who have gained statewide recognition. Six have achieved emeritus status.  

Stories by Kelly Smith

Learning more than Sewing

about 8 months ago by Kelly Smith

Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, but it can also reduce s... Read More

Jam, Butter and Biscuits camp

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Stories by Jefferson County CES

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